Friday, February 15, 2008

My Feb 14th..

Happy *belated* Valentine's Day
everyone !!!~

Hope everyone's valentine's went great.
For those whom are single, I know some of you actually had tons of fun, with friends, some alone time, and family. Where as, for those who's taken, hope it was as sweet as ever.

My Valentine's Day was great. It was honestly one of the most awesome time I have ever had. Although we were both tired, especially him, who had classes at 7:30am till 6pm and had only managed to get a 3-4hours sleep the night before as he was working till 12am and only reached home at 2am. But we enjoyed ourselves. He was really sweet and patient the whole night, where as I was fooling around ALOT. I think something in brain actually went short-circuit or something. But Dinner+Flowers+the one you love = a really romantically sweet night.

The flowers were a really big surprise. I didn't actually think he was that sort of guy who would give roses though. But I love it.
PS. sorry it looks like it's dying a lil. I took it after a few days and it's currently being turned into dried flowers in the garage. =P

Our candlelight dinner out in the semi-cold night. *Perfect weather*
My remaining Hot Chocolate + my glass of water.


PS. this wasn't what we wore, didn't take a single picture so I just picked one from my collection. This was taken on NYE '08.


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